It has been a long time since I sat down and sent photos to everyone. We have been happily busy with friends visiting from Texas, going to the zoo, running at the beach, visiting Mimi and Pops in Marco, having Easter and Easter egg hunts, and lots of other fun stuff. Mateusz is getting bigger and bigger every day (he is almost bigger then I am but still wants us to "hold the baby") so I continue to try and work out so I can lift him. He is putting sentences together well so the ear tubes are definitely working. He won't be swimming any time soon, though, since he HATES having the ear plugs or ear band-it on. Hopfully by the time we go to LBI he will be comfortable with them on so we can ride the waves. His favorite breakfast is a protein waffle with peanut butter or powder sugar (the sugar is thanks to Mimi :), lunch is cheese with fruit, and dinner is Mommy's mashed potatoes and pasta. Of course chocolate is a favorite treat along with yogurt, grapes or strawberries. He still won't eat any meat unless I am successful in hiding it but he always seems to find it and pick through the food until every piece is removed. Too smart for me. Mateusz and I have been busy planting a garden with veggies, flowers, and herbs. He seems to have fun in the dirt and loves having a "job" of watering the plants or smelling the flowers. He often likes to pick the flowers and hand them to me - such a sweet little guy! Of course, in the next second he is riding his tractor or bike through the plants but, whatever, since he is having fun.
Mateusz is definitely Daddy's boy. Everything is "Just like Gaga's boat / trunk / firetruck etc.". Yes, Mateusz, everything is just like that. Of course nothing is just like Mommy's. No worries - I love the hugs and kisses I get when it is just the 2 of us. Mateusz is coming along as a soccer player too. He can dribble the ball and knows to kick it into the goal. Not too bad that I had the 3-4 year old YMCA soccer coach ask me to bring him to the soccer games to try and play. He didn't realize Te wasn't old enough. But - I was a proud Momma. Let's hope it continues and sports become a good part of his life.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy the pictures!

Great pictures. I have to say he looks thoroughly THRILLED to be Easter Egg hunting with his adorable bunny ears on. heeheehee.
Great to see the pictures...tractor ones are too cute! For someone not from Florida, what's LBI?
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