OK - so I admit that I am addicted to Facebook and have loved getting in touch with lots of old friends and keeping up with everybody. One of the things that I really have enjoyed is finding out 25 things people have posted about themselves. Therefore, I thought it would be neat to post a few items about Te at this point.
1. He loves cars, trucks, wheels and taking them all apart. (I hate finding all the pieces!)
2. He named his blanket "Gully" when we first adopted him in Poland. Picture him in his stroller, thumb in his mouth while waving his fingers syaing: "Gully, gully, gully, gully." We actually say this is the Waring Welcome sign.
3. Favorite movie: Cars
4. He currently weighs 38 pounds and is about 42 inches tall. Keep in mind I am about 60 inches tall - carrying him is getting to be a challenge.
5. Favorite color today is: Pink
6. Whe asked what he wants to be when he grows up he always says first: "A good boy". Then when asked again he says: "A race car driver".
7. He continues to be picky with what he eats but loves strawberries, cheese, pizza, mashed potatoes, waffles, peanut butter, and pasta pockets.
8. He loves to crawl into bed with us and will wake us up with a kiss and the "Good Morning" song.
9. Favorite books: "Because a Bug Went Ka Choo" and any book that has animals and their Mommies.
10. Favorite TV shows: Handy Manny, Winnie the Pooh, and Meteor and the Monster Trucks
11. He continues to work on potty training but will easily and quite happily revert back if placed in a pull up. (Thanks Daddy!)
12. Whining has become his irritation of choice when he does not get what he wants. To me, it's worse then nails on a chalk board but I can ignore it.
13. He loves to be chased and plays "Hide and Sneak" instead of "seek".
14. His sport of choice at this time is soccer and he starts on his first team at the YMCA in March. :)
15. He can count to 20, knows his ABCs, knows all colors, helps pick up his toys and puts his plate into the sink, loves to sit and read, and is really creative with playing.
16. Te just started dancing "like Daddy" and hopefully will develop a few better moves then that (wink, wink).
17. Funniest sentence he has stated: He climbed into bed, placed his hands behind his head and said: "Wow this is very exciting. I am exhausted and need to rest." Cracked me up at the time.
18. Mateusz climbed the rock wall at the YMCA all by himself and made it to the top on the 1st try. He does it every day now and loves it.
19. Loves to exercise with Daddy in the garage.
20. Loves to smell flowers, chase bees, and find worms in the garden.
21. Has started swimming and enjoys holding the kickboard and splashing "like an alligator".
22. Te will strip naked in 2 seconds flat when he hears the water running for a bath but hates showers.
23. Mateusz thinks that everyone should give him presents every time they see him.
24. When we are mad at him or when he knows that he has done something wrong he will ask for "hugs and kisses" and say "I'm sorry" very quickly.
25. When Te hurts himself he will immediately ask to be taken to the hospital "for a flu shot".
26. He loves to watch cookies bake and gets very excited waiting for them to cool.
I probably could have kept going and smile as I read this list. He has grown up so much and I cannot believe that life is moving so quickly. I hope he looks back on this list someday and loves thinking about these cute times as much as I do and will.